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py-sure Python testing tool
py-sysctl Python interface to sysctl(3)
py-tabular Tabular data tools for Python
py-termcolor ANSI color output for terminals
py-test Python testing tool
py-test-assume Py.test plugin that allows multiple failures per test
py-test-asyncio Pytest support for asyncio
py-test-cache Pytest plugin with mechanisms for caching across test runs
py-test-cov Pytest plugin for measuring coverage
py-test-fixture-config Fixture configuration utils for py.test
py-test-flake8 Plugin plugin to check FLAKE8 requirements
py-test-forked Run tests in isolated forked subprocesses
py-test-isort Pytest plugin to perform isort checks (import ordering)
py-test-localserver Py.test plugin to test server connections locally
py-test-mock Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with py.test
py-test-pythonpath Pytest plugin for adding to the PYTHONPATH
py-test-relaxed Relaxed test discovery/organization for pytest
py-test-runner Invoke py.test as distutils command with dependency resolution
py-test-shutil Unix shell and environment tools for py.test
py-test-sugar Py.test plugin that changes the default look and feel
py-test-testmon Py.test plug-in which selects tests affected by recent changes
py-test-timeout Py.test plugin to abort hanging tests
py-test-utils Utility functions for py.test
py-test-virtualenv Virtualenv fixture for py.test
py-test-xdist Plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes
py-testpath Test utilities for code working with files and commands
py-testrepository Repository of test results
py-testresources Pyunit extension for managing expensive test resources
py-testscenarios Pyunit extension for dependency injection
py-testtools Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
py-thrift Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
py-tlsh Fuzzy matching library
py-toolz List processing tools and functional utilities
py-tortoisehg GUI for Mercurial
py-tox Virtualenv-based automation of test activities
py-traceback2 Backport of the traceback module to older Python versions
py-traitlets Traitlets Python config system
py-treq HTTP library for Twisted
py-tryton Three-tiers high-level general purpose application platform
py-trytond Server of the Tryton application platform
py-txaio Compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius
py-txgithub GitHub API client using Twisted
py-txrequests Asynchronous Python HTTP Requests for Humans
py-typed-ast Optional static typing for Python
py-typing Type Hints for Python
py-unit Unit testing framework for python
py-unitgui Unit testing framework for python tk
py-unittest-mixins Helpful mixins for unittest classes
py-unittest2 New features in unittest backported to Python 2.4+
py-unittest2pytest Tool to rewrite Python unittest into pytest test cases
py-urwid Curses-based Python user interface library
py-usb Python interface to USB via libusb
py-uuid UUID object and generation functions
py-uvloop Fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv
py-vcversioner Use version control tags to discover version numbers
py-vine Promises, promises, promises
py-virtualenv Virtual Python Environment builder
py-visitor Tiny pythonic visitor implementation
py-wcwidth Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes
py-wheel Built-package format for Python
py-whichcraft Cross-platform cross-python shutil.which functionality
py-windbg Python GUI debugger
py-wrapt Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching
py-xdg Python library for XDG
py-xopen Open compressed files transparently
py-zanata-python-client Zanata translation service client written in Python
py-zconfig Configuration library
py-zhCodecs (V) Python Unicode codecs for Chinese charsets
py-ZopeComponent Zope Component Architecture modules
py-ZopeConfiguration Zope Configuration Markup Language
py-ZopeEvent Very basic event publishing system
py-ZopeI18NMessageid Zope Message Identifiers for internationalization
py-ZopeInterface The zope.interface package used in Zope 3 and Twisted
py-ZopeSchema Zope Interface extension for defining data schemas
python-mode Emacs mode for editing python files
pythontidy Cleans up, regularizes, and reformats the text of Python scripts
qbzr GUI front end for Bazaar
qconf Configure script generator for qmake
qjson Qt library for handling JSON data
qof Query Object Framework
qore-uuid-module UUID module for Qore
qtscriptgenerator Tool that generates Qt bindings for Qt Script
quilt Tools to manage series of patches
R-assertthat Easy pre and post assertions
R-BH Boost C++ Header Files
R-bindr Parametrized Active Bindings
R-bit Class for vectors of 1-bit booleans
R-bit64 S3 class for vectors of 64-bit integers
R-blob Simple S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data ('BLOBS')
R-cli Helpers for developing command line interfaces
R-crayon Colored terminal output
R-evaluate Parsing and evaluation tools
R-glue Interpreted String Literals
R-inline Functions to Inline C, C++, Fortran Function Calls from R
R-IRdisplay Jupyter display machinery
R-IRkernel R kernel for Jupyter Notebook
R-iterators Provides Iterator Construct for R
R-lazyeval Lazy (non-standard) evaluation
R-magrittr Forward-Pipe Operator for R
R-memoise Memoisation of Functions